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MLAC currently has 98 orphan students. Some of them have no known relatives, so even after their education is complete, they will remain at the College.

Some land in Kal-Eliya (about half a hectare) was acquired by the College back in 2000 and blocked out into plots for occupation by the orphans who were given in marriage. Weddings were held at the College premises itself, in a modest way, at which many well-wishers participated. Such occasions are heart-warming for the community itself.

There have been many benefactors, both individual and organizations worldwide, who have helped the College over the years in so many different ways. We recall with gratitude the substantial contributions made by the Islamic Development Bank, the Iqraa Charitable Society, Baithuz Zakath, MuslimAid, Rabithahul Islami, Islamic Solidarity Fund, UAE Red Crescent, and many others.